
Stephen Broyles’s Personal Pages

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My apartment
My living room. Don Quixote reminding me that it is all windmills. A balcony opening on to the wide world. A chair with light coming over the left shoulder. A table and chairs for when friends come.


7. Where I Live and What I Do

If you and I met at a professional convention and you asked me, “What do you do?” I would answer you in one way. But if we met at a park bench, I would answer you in another. What follows is the park-bench version.

I live in Amherst, Massachusetts, in a sweet little apartment just a few steps from the Black Sheep, the town common, and the Emily Dickinson homeplace.

I teach piano lessons, edit, write, draw, and—now that I have my own kitchen—cook.

I have family nearby. One sister lives in Portland, Maine, and another in New York. My daughter Stephanie lives in southern Vermont with her husband Konstantine and their children Adaylia and Annika. My son John lives in Richmond, Virginia, and he and Andrea have a son, Mason.

Well, that’s about me. What about you?


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    Copyright © 2002, 2007 by Stephen E. Broyles. All rights reserved.
    Created November 5, 2002. Last updated January 6, 2009.